Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August 16, 2010

Wapume?? Last week was a long week. It was good, but I'm definitely glad it's P-day. Nothing really got shaken up with transfers, our apartment is the same. We got new zone leaders, both from Kumasi, because one of the zone leaders, Elder Strong, went home last Tuesday, and the other one, Elder Hill got called to be the new AP. But other than that, our zone is pretty much the same. I'm officially done with my first transfer! And I just started using my second planner today...time flies haha.

So nothing too crazy happened last week. On Wednesday it rained ALL day. It just poured and poured and poured. The Buabins gave us some umbrellas to use but we really didn't even use them. We just got soaked instead! When it rains here, people stay inside all day. Moree looked like a ghost town while it was raining because no on was outside doing anything. They were all cooped up in their houses. It was still cool though, we got to visit a lot of people because they were all home! haha. Two of my favorite people to teach are Albert and David. Albert is about 16 and David is probably 14 or15. They have both been coming to church for a while, and now they're getting ready to be baptized. They're really tight kids.

I don't know if I've told you about Francis. He speaks perfect English so it's sweet to be able to teach him and actually understanding everything. Our lessons with him are usually an hour and a half, no matter what. He says the church makes perfect sense. He says he wants to be totally sure before becoming a Latter-day Saint, so he said it might take a while for him to make a decision to join the church. It'd be super sweet to come back and check on him if he's not a member ;) Eric had a dream he was getting baptized and confirmed, so he committed to baptism yesterday. Spiritual dreams are super common here. The area president said that all Africans just have a greater sensitivity to spiritual gifts like that, and so it's really common to get things like that. A guy here, I can't remember his name right now...had a dream about Thomas S. Monson before we even taught about him. He recognized the picture of him. He traveled for fishing season though we haven't seen him in a while.

I'm starting to like fufu. I had some at somebody's houseon Wednesday and it was soooo good. He made the most delicious soup ever with it. It's called light soup and it's basically just spicy tomato soup. Sooooo good. I ate so much haha.

So anyway, that's really it from the week. We've got zone conference tomorrow so that will be sweet.

News on BYU football...who's the QB, what's the RB situation looking like, all that jazz. Any major injuries or newcomers? Give me a two-deep of offense and defense :)

Love you guys!
Elder Brown

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