Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 25, 2011

Guess what?! It’s HOT in Ghana!!!!! Haha, but actually it’s not as bad today... when we were at the STC station on Wednesday to pick up the new elder to our apartment, I saw a weather report going on the tele a ways off, and I just thought what the weather man was probably saying: "Well, it looks like the warm front that has been in Central Ghana for the past 17 centuries is going to stay for this week, on Sunday we will let you know if its heading out...." Honestly having days that aren't the exact same weather pattern will be awesome! Haha.

No big news with transfers, Elder Obodo left our apartment to go to Yamoransa, my old apartment! The new missionary here is named Elder Nataniel, from Nigeria. He is the man! He has only 6 weeks left on mission and is a stud missionary. He was a zone leader in Takoradi for a long time. Elder Bunker came up to Kumasi from Cape Coast, he will be opening a new area called Pankronum with a missionary named Elder Banda (from South Africa). No other big news though!

The week was pretty sweet. Before I forget, I have to tell you a sweet story from last week I didn’t have time to write. So Sunday night last week, we decided to go visit a guy named Arrested. That’s his nickname... he is trying to get rid of it haha. But everyone calls him that. He has us call him Emmanual though. During the opening prayer, the thought came to my mind just to ask him if there were any problems he was having that we could help with. So we went on with the lesson. Then as we were finishing, I remembered to ask him that question! He said he doesn't know what he is doing as a father and needs help. We had a sweet lesson about families and how if he follows the gospel he will be able to be a great father, and it was just sweet. We asked at the end of the lesson when we could come again and he said "be here 20 o’clock tomorrow". It was sweet, we taught him like 4 times this week, every time he had done more than we had asked him to do when we came again.

This week was a really good week of teaching, not so much contacting/walking around. We averaged like 5 or 6 lessons a day, and most of those people are doing well. Cosmos - still doing well. Not sure if I have told you about Clifford, but he is doing awesome. He told us this week that a few weeks ago, he was done with Christianity, he gave away his bible and wasn't going to worry about God any more. Then a few weeks later we met him, gave him a Book of Mormon, and now he is bearing his testimony about how he knows the Church is true, that he knows that living the gospel is going to be what will make him happy and all of that. Pretty awesome. Degraft is still one of my favorite guys ever - he is so excited to be baptized. Just waiting on the Kwamo chapel to be finished. The Pentecosts had a big Easter convention/"conversion" all week long right in the middle of town. It was pretty interesting. Yelling, screaming, speaking in tongues, people falling all over each other.... it was crazy.

Well, I am sorry to be short today. I love you guys. Easter was sweet, nothing too special here to celebrate though. Just an excuse for people not to work. (Our electricity got shut off on Friday because we ran out of credit, I went to buy some at the place, and the guy didn't come to work bc it was Good Friday... So we went without electricity for a while.) Life is going good, can't complain. Just getting to work, doing the little things that missionaries are supposed to do, and we are starting to see success. Mom asked if our baptism is going to happen at the beginning of May as planned, it just depends on if the Kwamo chapel gets finished anytime soon.... doesn't seem like that’s hopeful though :/ Love you guys!!!!! I think about you every day, the picture on my calendar for April is us at the top of Y mountain, love looking at it! Congrats again to Brian!! Have fun in Texas together :)

Love ya,

-Elder Brown

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