Monday, December 19, 2011

December 19, 2011

As for the week, it was legit as usual, great experiences once again. The highlight was the baptism Saturday night, it was a way powerful baptism. The baptism was for Stavoca, as well as for Johnson. Stavoca has such a strong testimony, it is sweet. Every time we taught the days before the baptism, she was just so stoked for it. She has been telling all of her friends about the church, she is already calling it "her" church, it’s so tight. Then Johnson is just a stud young man who has a lot of potential. The baptism was really spiritual! We had it at 7 PM, so it was dark outside, and since we don't have an indoor font, we used our portable one outside. It is the Hamatan season right now - the season where sand from the Sahara blows down into the southern parts of West Africa, which makes it somehow cold at night. (Alright cold isn't very accurate, but let’s just say I don't sweat when I sleep!!!) So in the night it felt really good, probably in the 70s somewhere, and so when we all went outside for the baptism, it just felt so cool. Then, everyone was completely silent for the ordinances - usually there are babies crying or people whispering or whatever, but this one was completely quiet. So we had the stars overhead, and clear black night, and it was somehow cold, and the ordinances went off perfect! It was probably the most spiritual baptism I had. Walking back home after, Elder Speechly and I just had the biggest smiles on our faces and we just kept talking about how awesome everything is here. We both just couldn't stop talking about how much we love Africa... and it’s true, this place really is something. So that was the focus of the week, we were busy preparing them and making sure everything was ready the whole week, and then had a lot of good teaching in between as well. What else from the week.... everyone is travelling for Christmas... which stinks, but oh well. We will be super bust in January because all of our recent converts will come back. They have all either been gone or will be gone the next weeks, so January we will be busy working with them. I went on splits twice this week, Wednesday with Elder Robert (Nigeria) and Friday with Elder Iziegbeaya (Nigeria). I love splits because you get to know the other elders so much better. Obviously working with your companion is the most important, but being able to spend a whole day with them was great. They are both great missionaries. Both young on mission (Elder Robert 6 months, Elder Iziegbeaya 3) and they are both doing great. They both have great companions who are teaching them well. Had great days with both of them, taught a lot and found a lot of new people with them. Had 4 new investigators when Elder Iziegbeaya came - one of whom I contacted on Wednesday with Elder Robert, and he had read the entire Restoration pamphlet three times before we even came on Friday, and wanted a Book of Mormon the second we were there. It was a sweet lesson, have another appt with him on Tuesday, hopefully all goes well! Confirmations went great on Sunday, and everything is going along well. Oh yeah, had a sweet sweet meeting with Al-Sadat on Thursday. We are doing our best to meet all of the recent converts (all of the members! haha) every week to help continue to go strong, and so this week we had a good meeting with Al-Sadat. Anyway, all is sweet in Sunyani. We came to Kumasi today for a football match, it was at Kwamo. Got to see some of my old peeps. Elder Nathan is doing great. We are having our Christmas party on Friday, it’s gonna be sweet. Well my family, I love you and I can't wait to talk to you on Sunday. Its going to be a great Christmas season here, I hope you enjoy in NYC, love you guys! Merry Christmas! Afehyia paa!!!! -Elder Brown Merry Christmas from Elder Brown to everybody in Tejas!!!!

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