Monday, August 1, 2011

August 1, 2011

Surprisingly, it’s actually not been too hot out here. Weird huh?! It’s rainy season. Maybe I am just used to it, but it has been pretty mild it seems like. Nights even get pretty cool, I don't sleep with a fan on anymore. So that’s made proselyting a little more refreshing, but... it’s still pretty hot haha.

The week was pretty fresh. Started with and FHE at a family’s house. Me and Elder Nathan taught them how to play pictionary, they loved it! At the end it was tied, so we had a tie breaker that was pretty intense (Elder Nathan drew a kangaroo, I am surprised anyone guessed it!) and when a kid finally yelled it out, everyone went crazy celebrating. They were jumping into each other’s arms, the whole works! Then all of a sudden we heard the 6 year old daughter screaming in pain! We looked down and she had gotten her front tooth knocked out! Talk about extreme pictionary!!!!!!!!! Luckily it was a baby tooth, so no worries haha. She was crying the whole night, but the next day she was showing it off to everyone.

Tuesday was weird. We usually have district meeting on Tuesdays, but we had it on Thursday this week so President could come, and it made the day seem weird, since we didn't have a meeting in the morning. And it was like really cool, probably the coolest I have felt it here, and really breezy. Felt like an early fall day back home. Sweetest part of the day, we met Kwamo King Lamoni!!!! I had been trying to track down the chief for weeks, to no avail. Finally we were just walking by his palace that he is building early one evening and he happened to be outside just sitting by himself. I waved and said good evening, and he stopped us to tell us to come and have a sit. I was pretty nervous, I wanted to have a member there when I met him, but we went up to talk to him. They call him Nana (respectful title here) Kwamohene. "Hene" means king. It was a good conversation. He actually lived in Toronto most of his life, but came to Ghana when he was chosen to be chief. Basically the discussion just went all over. He kept telling us he just wanted to serve the people of Kwamo. We told him we would work with him in any way we could.

Well... I gotta go. A lot happened this week, but I gotta go! So if I can come back tonight, I will finish up. If not, see ya next week! Sorry for the short email!


-Elder Brown
Welp... super lame but my whole email got deleted. So... sorry that
this week was limited. The week was sweet, the work is going on and I
love you guys like no other.

-Elder Brown

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